In Joy crafts all natural body care products with organically grown and wildcrafted plants. We harvest, source, and wildcraft most of our plants from local, organic farms in Colorado, handcrafting our products with pure, natural, and organic ingredients that are therapeutic for you and sustainable for the Earth.

  • Honoring the medicine of the plants, creating opportunities for greater health, balance and harmony within ourselves and our communities.


  • Use sustainable packaging and manufacturing processes, that make a light foot-print on the earth.


  • Support our community of organic farmers and wildcrafters that grow and harvest herbs and plants with love, reverence and sustainable practices for the plants. This allows plants to continue to grow in healthy balance within their eco-systems.


  • Provide you with hand crafted, 100% therapeutic body care products - free of chemicals, synthetic preservatives, and artificial colors and fragrances.


  • Work with integrity, for a cleaner, brighter tomorrow for the next seven generations.


In Joy Botanicals - Located in Longmont, Colorado