People constantly ask me, “How is it that at 42 years old, you look like your 28?” "In Joy Botanicals herbal face and body care” I say…. "and of course, daily discipline of self care, healthful nourishment, emotional release, and spiritual and physical practice.”


Here at In Joy Botanicals, we are committed to helping you be the very best version of you that you can be and we believe that the plants are here to help us do that. That is why we honor them by using them everyday in our self care rituals and teach others how to do the same. Not only do we offer herbal body care products for the entire family, but we also offer herbal, nutritional, and lifestyle coaching to help you access your highest self and reach your highest destiny.


Cheers to being the best you that you can be!


For a personal consultation, contact Amanda at

Calendula Body Lotion

Sunshine in a Bottle

A daily whole body lotion for even the most sensitive of skin. Provides a protective, hydrating barrier and aids in healing of scarred tissue, eczema, minor burns, skin funguses and prevention of stretch marks and wrinkles. View Ingredients.


Purchase Calendula Body Lotion

Immune Love  Salt scrub

Indications: Our salt scrubs are meant to be used starting from the feet and hands gently exfoliating and brushing the salt on dry skin, moving and stimulating the lymphatic system’s flow back towards the heart. Once the skin has been sufficiently stimulated, the salt can be rinsed off with warm water, leaving the oils to continue their medicinal effects on the body. This blend of oils is stimulating and protective to the immune system, because of the antimicrobial activity of the essential oils within the cells.  It also aids in circulation,  helps heal and protect damaged or stressed nerves,  and helps to  relieve congestion in  the respiratory and lymphatic systems. Great for people who tend to have cold feet and/or hands and reoccurring colds.


Ingredients: St Johns wort flowers and Mugwort  leaves infused  into Olive Oil, Shea Butter, Dead Sea Salt, Essential Oils  of Marjoram, Basil, Cypress, Rosemary, Lemongrass,  Cinnamon, and vitamin e


Purchase Immune Salt Scrub

Mug Wort Lotion

The Green Lady

Mugwort has traditionally been used by California native indians for colds, colic, bronchitis, fever, and suppressed menstruation. When massaged around ears, neck, chest and abdomen, our lotion is useful in stimulating discharge of mucous and stagnation in the respiratory, reproductive and digestive systems. It also aids in healing of sprains, hyperextensions and bruises, due to the tonifying affect of Mugwort. Not to be used during pregnancy. View Ingredients.


Purchase Mugwort Lotion

St John's Wort

Pillow for Your Nerves

Also known as St John’s Grass, this plant has a rich history of anti-inflammatory uses in South America, North America and in Europe. Traditionally it has been effective in external use for easing the pain of sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, varicose veins, swollen breasts, wounds, hard tumors and sunburn. When used everyday or often, it has a history of healing damaged nerve and muscle tissue, bruises and hemorrhoids. View Ingredients.


Purchase St John's Wort Lotion

Healing Hands Cream

The Gardener's Helper

A thick, rich cream for use whenever skin is rough, dry or cracked. Especially recommended for feet and hands. View Ingredients.


Purchase Healing Hands Cream

Calendula Baby Cream

Healthy Baby, Happy Baby

Apply liberally all over baby’s body and massage toward the heart, with love. Use for diaper rash, with diapers off, dry skin, eczema, and general massage to promote circulation, digestion, lymphatic flow and a happy touch fulfilled baby. View Ingredients.


Purchase Calendula Baby Cream

In Joy Botanicals - Located in Longmont, Colorado